Award-Winning Screenplays
King of the
Genre: Biopic
Johnny Eckhardt, born in Baltimore in 1911 with a major deformity, goes on to become Johnny Eck, “The Most Remarkable Man Alive,” inspiring generations.
WINNER! 2020 Saul Zaentz Innovation Fund Grant Story Lab Fellowship (Johns Hopkins /MICA)
2nd Place Finalist, Baltimore Screenwriting Competition: 2020
Genre: Family Drama
Baltimore, the 1950s. Caroline Panski, 9 years old, wants to play hockey. But "little girls ice skate. Boys play hockey." Caroline pursues her passion amidst a world turned upside down by a war in Korea and school integration at home.
WINNER! 2016 Baltimore Screenwriting Contest.
WINNER! 2016 Saul Zaentz Innovation Fund Grant Screenplay Lab Fellowship (Johns Hopkins/MICA)
Recipient: Rocaberti Writers Retreat (France) scholarship
Stowe Story Labs, Finalist: 2020
Semifinalist, Screencraft Family Friendly Script Competition
Children of Disobedience
Genre: Drama
When Ryszard Flintlock, an ex-rock megastar now well past his prime, is forced to move out of his home, he takes a room in a house with Sonia Farfarelli and her son Sammy, who is twenty years Ryszard’s junior and fresh from leaving the seminary after less than one semester. Both men are lost and in need of a real and lasting bond, a relationship that provides depth and comfort. “Children of Disobedience” is the story of how they find it in one another.
Rock and Roll Soccer​
Genre: Sports Drama
The Englishman Georgie Marsh and the North American Soccer League both ride the meteoric and hedonistic wave of late 70s America until the inevitable: what rises must fall—but does it have to fall so far, so fast?
Top Ten, Sports
Genre, 2020 Creative Screenwriting Emerging Screenwriters Competition
WINNER! 2017 Baltimore Screenwriting Competition
An Incredibly Stupid Idea
(That Just Might Work)
Genre: Comedy
Roger and Kenneth are about to be evicted
from their Penn North apartment. But their jobs at the Baltimore Museum of Art present a possible opportunity. Will their scheme to steal a rare painting be the solution they need?
3rd Place Finalist,
Baltimore Screenwriting
Competition: 2024
Genre: Drama
Abolition is the story of William Johnson, 23, a sharecropper just outside the segregated town of Sparkton in 1930. Willie is sentenced to 360 days in the Maryland Penitentiary in Baltimore on a bogus charge and then is shipped out to the Penitentiary annex in Clifton Park where he endures indentured servitude under the eye of a sadistic warden. He must rely on friends --famous and infamous -- and his own wits to survive, all the while pining for the love of his life.
3rd Place Finalist,
Baltimore Screenwriting
Competition: 2021